Traumatic Brain Injuries: Living With a TBI After a Truck Wreck

A Guide to TBIs: Know Your Rights and Options After a Truck Wreck

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), motor vehicle accidents are the second most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). TBIs range in severity — the more forceful the impact, the worse the brain will be injured. Due to the violent impact involved in truck wrecks, TBIs from truck crashes are often quite severe.

TBIs may not appear on a CT scan or MRI, and you might not notice the symptoms until days, weeks, or even months after a truck crash. Due to the delay in symptoms and diagnosis, insurance companies often deny claims involving TBIs. An experienced truck wreck attorney can help you prove a truck accident personal injury claim regarding a TBI and help you get the compensation you or your loved ones deserve.

Keep reading to learn more about TBIs, the effect they can have on victims and their families, and your medical and legal options if you or a loved one has suffered a TBI from a truck wreck.

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What Are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

A TBI occurs when a jolt or blow to the head causes the brain to collide with the inside of the skull with enough force to bruise brain tissue, tear blood vessels, and cause bleeding and pressure buildup.

Possible Signs of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Because scans and tests often fail to detect TBIs, sometimes the only way to identify one is by knowing what to look for. Possible signs and symptoms may include:

    • Loss of consciousness
    • Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
    • Headaches
    • Memory loss
    • Vomiting and nausea
    • Seizures or convulsions
    • Weakness or numbness in limbs
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Excessive sleeping or difficulty waking up
    • Coordination and reflex issues
    • Confusion and disorientation
    • Slurred speech
    • Personality changes
    • Anxiety or depression

For mild cases, these symptoms can fade within a couple of weeks if the individual receives plenty of rest. In more severe cases, the effects of a TBI can be permanent and may even cause coma, paralysis, or amnesia.

Living With a TBI: How TBIs Effect You and Your Family

Even a mild TBI can have a significant effect on the individual’s way of life. Personality changes and difficulty concentrating are common symptoms of TBIs. As you can imagine, these side-effects can have a drastic effect on the individual’s relationships, ability to work, and overall quality of life.

Someone living with a TBI may not be able to live an independent or active lifestyle. They might require constant or frequent medical care, counseling, or physical therapy and be unable to perform day-to-day activities.

These limitations can have a negative effect on their family as well. Spouses of TBI victims can suffer from anxiety or depression caused by the burden and stress of taking care of their loved one. Children may not understand why their mom or dad is suddenly distant, non-responsive, or unable to care for them as they used to do.

The TBI Rehabilitation Process

The brain is a very complex organ and can take months or even years to heal from a mild injury. Rehabilitation for TBI victims often involves physical and psychological healing, relearning basic processes, and regaining as much function and independence as possible.

If your loved one has suffered a TBI, you can help them recover by making sure that they:

    • Get plenty of rest
    • Avoid activities that could cause further damage to the head
    • Wait for doctor approval before engaging in any physical or complex activities, such as athletics or driving
    • Avoid alcohol and non-prescription drugs
    • Follow doctors’ orders regarding their drug and therapy regimen
    • Keep a journal to help with memory issues and record recovery progress

TBIs are very serious injuries that require professional help. Make sure your loved one sees a doctor for their TBI and receives a professional treatment plan in addition to the tips listed above. The doctor will direct you toward appropriate physical, psychological, or speech therapists and specialists who can improve the chance of a partial or full recovery.

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Coping With the Stress of a TBI

Coping with a TBI or trying to help a loved one with a TBI can be extremely stressful. Doctors and rehabilitation programs might not address the psychological needs of a TBI victim. If you or a loved one is struggling to come to terms with the changes and limitations of the condition, consider joining a support group.

If you are a caregiver for someone with a TBI and are struggling with stress, there are also support groups that can provide you with tips and comfort in this time of need. As previously mentioned, children also may have difficulties if a parent is suffering from a TBI. Make sure your children understand what is happening and consider family therapy if you see any problems developing.

Know Your Rights: Call Seattle Truck Law

Traumatic brain injuries are considerably more complex than most injuries, and the legal cases that result from TBIs are often equally complicated. The difficulty of diagnosing a TBI and the potential delay of noticeable symptoms means that proving the existence and cause of a TBI can be challenging. TBI truck wreck cases require cutting-edge techniques, expert testimonies, and deep insight into personal injury law.

The attorneys at Seattle Truck Law have the resources and experience needed to handle complex truck wreck cases that involve TBIs. If you or a loved one are suffering from a TBI as the result of a truck crash, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, therapy bills, past and future loss wages, loss of household services, or other damages.

Call (866) 580-HURT or complete this brief online contact form for more information about your rights and options regarding TBIs and truck wrecks.


Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion. (2019, March). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/index.html

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Seattle Truck Law, PLLC.:
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