How Do I Sue System Transport Inc After a Wreck?

System Transport Inc. is the Pacific Northwest’s largest flatbed trucking company, with over 40 years of experience and a fleet of 800 trucks and 1,200 trailers. The company ships everything from building materials to lumber on Washington roads. While Systems Transport Inc. has an encouraging safety record overall, their trucks were still involved in over 60 crashes between 2018 and 2020. These wrecks killed one person and injured 14.

If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed by a System Transport Inc. truck wreck in Washington State, you deserve justice, answers, and support.

How Liability Works in a Truck Crash

Truck wrecks are often more complicated than car crashes due to the size of the trucks, the weight of their cargo, and the number of variables that can impact the collision. Often, there are several factors that contribute to the crash and multiple parties that can be held liable for your injuries and damages.

These factors can include:

  • Driver error, like speeding or loading cargo incorrectly
  • Driving longer than the number of hours allowed
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Faulty truck parts
  • Poorly maintained vehicles
  • Under-trained or negligent drivers

When you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a devastating truck crash, you need a truck wreck attorney on your side who understands how to investigate the wreck and reveal the exact causes. Otherwise, some of the factors that caused the wreck may go undiscovered, and you won’t identify all the liable parties — which means you won’t be able to receive all the compensation you deserve to address your injuries and losses.

How a Lawyer Can Help After a Truck Crash

Some evidence requires the know-how and experience of an attorney in order to identify and preserve it. For instance, a truck’s “black box,” or driving log, keeps a record of how long a driver was behind the wheel, when they took their breaks, and how long they slept. However, trucking companies can legally erase these logs after a certain period of time has passed — unless a lawyer tells them these records are part of an investigation and must be preserved.

If you or someone you love has been involved in a severe crash with a System Transport Inc. truck, the truck’s log will likely contain valuable evidence to support your case. It’s in your best interest to contact a knowledgeable Washington truck wreck lawyer who can help you preserve that evidence before it’s destroyed.

Additionally, it takes an expert attorney to identify other easy-to-miss factors that could have caused the accident that hurt you. Even the simplest mistakes in loading dangerous cargo, like sheet metal, timber, and building materials — all of which System Transport Inc. ships — can make the truck unstable and cause or contribute to a wreck. Having an expert truck accident lawyer on your side who knows how to investigate these details is the best way to protect yourself and your rights.

RELATED: What Will Happen in My Truck Accident Case?

When You Need a Serious Attorney on Your Side, Call Seattle Truck Law

If you or someone you love is suffering after a truck crash that wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to pay for expensive medical bills and damaged property.

At Seattle Truck Law, we help recover compensation for victims who suffer when negligent trucking companies cause devastating crashes. Our founding attorney Morgan Adams is board certified in truck accident law, and every lawyer in our office has driven a tractor-trailer. We know the trucking industry on a level that very few law firms in the country can match.

To learn more about your options after a crash, get in touch with us today. We can speak with you in a confidential, no-risk initial consultation. During your consultation, we’ll listen to your story, answer questions about your case, and offer advice about what to do next.

To schedule your free case review today, call us at 866-580-HURT or fill out our quick online contact form.


SAFER Web – Company Snapshot: SYSTEM TRANSPORT INC. (2020, April 7). Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Retrieved from https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&original_query_param=NAME&query_string=27935&original_query_string=SYSTEM%20TRANSPORT%20INC

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.


Seattle Truck Law, PLLC.:
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