Coping With Mental Health Issues After a Truck Wreck

Mental Health Issues After a Truck Wreck Are Real

When most people think of big truck crashes, they might not immediately think of depression, PTSD, or anxiety. Unfortunately, mental health issues after a truck wreck are not only real, but they’re actually very common.

For victims suffering after a traumatic crash with a big truck, filing an insurance claim or lawsuit is one way to recover financial losses to cover damaged property, medical bills, and lost wages from missing work. This settlement can also cover emotional injuries, which can be just as devastating (if not more so) than physical injuries.

In this blog, we’ll outline a few of the more common mental health issues that victims often experience after a big truck crash — and what you can do to take care of yourself and protect your future.

Psychological Injuries Are Real Injuries

After a traumatic or scary event, feeling worry, sadness, or anxiety is common. However, these feelings usually fade with time. When they don’t, something deeper could be wrong. In fact, these lasting feelings of anxiety, depression, and even flashbacks to the crash indicate more serious mental health needs — needs that require medical care, just like a broken bone would.

Here are a few common emotional injuries to be aware of, as well as their side effects:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD can occur after any traumatic event, even though it’s mostly associated with veterans returning from active duty. You might want to speak with your doctor about PTSD if you continue to relive the accident through flashbacks or nightmares, feel emotionally numb, have trouble sleeping, or are jumpy and quick to anger.


Anxiety is a general sense of nervousness, fear, or panic. You might be experiencing anxiety after a crash if you feel on edge, extremely nervous, or afraid in situations that you would normally feel comfortable in.


Depression can take on many forms, but often includes a loss of interest in the world or being detached from daily life and loved ones. If you’re feeling deep sadness, irritability, or hopelessness after a crash with a big truck, you should consider speaking with a professional about your mental and emotional health.


The fear of driving or being hurt in another crash is common after a serious truck crash. However, these phobias can make living a “normal” life difficult, especially if victims feel they must avoid driving or riding in cars. If you feel a sense of dread when it comes to any of these activities, or have been avoiding driving since your crash, speak with a medical professional about getting help.

There is no shame in seeking help after a crash. Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you don’t feel like yourself after a collision, don’t hesitate to get help.

How Compensation Can Help Truck Crash Victims

Like a physical injury, resolving emotional and mental health needs can take time and treatment. Going to therapy, speaking with a counselor, and taking medication can all be helpful ways for victims to get their lives back on track after a crash. However, these methods take time, and it’s common for victims to take time away from the stress of work. When this happens, victims deserve to be compensated for the cost of therapy, medications, appointments, and lost wages — especially when the accident wasn’t their fault. Innocent victims should never have to pay for other people’s mistakes.

For all these reasons, we recommend that you contact a truck crash attorney who understands the importance of mental wellness following a traumatic event and has the experience to help you get justice for your suffering. They can do this by helping you file an insurance claim with the trucking company’s carrier or a lawsuit against the company itself.

RELATED: Three Reasons to Seek Treatment After a Truck Accident

Evidence You’ll Need After a Truck Crash

To build a successful case, you and your lawyer will need to work together. This includes uncovering and presenting evidence that shows how the crash has influenced you and its lasting impact on your life.

Some critical pieces of evidence include:

  • Medical records from the emergency room, primary care physicians, therapists, specialists, and anyone else you saw
  • Medical bills
  • The cost of prescription medications
  • Expert medical testimonies

When you’re looking for a therapist or counselor, ask about their experience working with car or truck wreck victims who have the same or similar conditions as you. They’ll be most able to speak to your experiences on the record and in court. Your attorney can also help you gather the evidence and documentation you need from your treating physicians and therapists to help build the strongest possible case.

Seattle Truck Law: Fighting for Crash Victims’ Right to Mental Wellness

At Seattle Truck Law, we have the experience and ability to demand justice from the big trucking companies on your behalf. If you’re suffering after a wreck, you don’t have to go it alone.

For more information on your legal options and potential case value, please call (866) 580-HURT or fill out our quick and easy online contact form.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Seattle Truck Law, PLLC.:
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